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Pork Baby Back Ribs

20-24oz per piece

Product of Germany



It sounds like you're describing a product of pork baby back ribs that are sourced from Germany. These ribs are noted to be very tender and are suggested for grilling and smoking. Each piece of ribs weighs around 20 to 24 ounces.

Baby back ribs are a popular cut of pork ribs that come from the upper part of a pig's ribcage. They are generally shorter and more curved than spare ribs, and they tend to be leaner and more tender. They are a favorite choice for barbecuing, grilling, and smoking due to their tenderness and flavor.

If you're planning to prepare these ribs, you might want to consider marinating or seasoning them before cooking to enhance their flavor. Grilling and smoking are both great methods for cooking baby back ribs. Grilling gives you that nice char and smoky flavor, while smoking slowly cooks the ribs at a lower temperature, infusing them with a rich smokiness.

Here's a simple guide on how to grill or smoke these pork baby back ribs:

**Grilling Method:**

1. **Prep the Ribs:** Remove the membrane from the back of the ribs if it's still attached. Season the ribs with your favorite dry rub or marinade. Let them sit in the refrigerator for a few hours to allow the flavors to penetrate.

2. **Preheat the Grill:** Preheat your grill to medium heat. If using a charcoal grill, set up a two-zone fire with direct heat on one side and no heat on the other.

3. **Grill the Ribs:** Place the ribs on the grill grates, bone side down. Cook them over indirect heat to avoid burning. Close the lid and let them cook for about 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on the thickness of the ribs. You can also add wood chips or chunks for extra smoke flavor.

4. **Baste and Sauce:** During the last 30 minutes of cooking, you can baste the ribs with your preferred BBQ sauce, turning occasionally. Be careful not to apply the sauce too early, as it can burn.

5. **Check for Doneness:** The ribs are done when the meat has pulled back from the bones and is tender. You can also do a "bend test" - pick up the ribs with tongs and if they bend and the meat starts to crack on the surface, they're likely done.

6. **Rest and Serve:** Once done, let the ribs rest for a few minutes before cutting them into individual pieces. Serve with additional sauce on the side.

**Smoking Method:**

1. **Prep the Ribs:** Prepare the ribs as mentioned above with seasoning or marinade. Let them rest in the fridge.

2. **Prep the Smoker:** Preheat your smoker to a temperature of around 225°F (107°C). Add your choice of smoking wood, like hickory, apple, or cherry, for flavor.

3. **Smoke the Ribs:** Place the ribs on the smoker grates, bone side down. Close the smoker and maintain a consistent temperature. Smoke the ribs for about 4 to 5 hours, or until the meat is tender and has a nice smoke ring.

4. **Optional Wrap:** You can optionally wrap the ribs in foil or butcher paper during the cooking process to help tenderize them further and speed up cooking. This is known as the "Texas Crutch."

5. **Sauce and Finish:** In the last hour of smoking, you can brush the ribs with sauce if desired. This will caramelize on the surface, adding a nice glaze.

6. **Rest and Serve:** Once the ribs are done, let them rest for a short while before cutting and serving.

Remember that cooking times can vary based on your equipment, the specific ribs, and environmental factors. The goal is to achieve tender meat that easily pulls away from the bone. Enjoy your delicious pork baby back ribs!

Pork Baby Back Ribs - 20-24oz

C$15.00 Regular Price
C$12.00Sale Price

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